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Liz Fuchs

The toxicological affects of Bufotoxins

Composition of Cane Toad Toxin:

Cane toad toxin is a complex blend of chemicals produced by specialized glands on the toad's skin. The primary toxic components are bufotoxins, a family of chemicals that includes bufagins and bufotenins. Bufotoxins act as potent cardiotoxins and neurotoxins, targeting the cardiovascular and nervous systems of potential predators.

  1. Cardiotoxic Effects: Bufotoxins have a profound impact on the cardiovascular system of predators. When a predator attempts to consume a cane toad, these toxins can cause irregular heartbeats, leading to cardiac arrest. This effect is particularly dangerous for animals that lack immunity or resistance to the toad's toxins. Unfortunately because they are an invasive species the native animals and domesticated pets of SWFL have no evolutionary immunity.

  2. Neurological Effects: The neurotoxic properties of cane toad toxins affect the central nervous system of predators. Symptoms include disorientation, seizures, and, in severe cases, paralysis. This makes predation on cane toads a risky endeavor for animals that are not adapted to dealing with such potent neurotoxins.

The introduction of cane toads and their toxic secretions has had profound consequences for ecosystems, especially in regions where they are non-native. Native predators that attempt to prey on cane toads, such as snakes, birds, and mammals, often suffer high mortality rates due to the potent toxins. This disruption in the predator-prey balance can lead to cascading effects, impacting the abundance and behavior of various species within the ecosystem.

Cane toad toxin


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